Cat Tails

Cat Adoption Services, Inc.
6622 Beach Drive
Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469

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Pictures from the "Third Annual Pet Adoption Fair" on Saturday, May 14, 2011
Rescue Animals Community Effort (R.A.C.E.) sponsored the "Third Annual Pet Adoption Fair" on Saturday, May 14, 2011, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at Shallotte District Park. Besides Sunset Slush, a Hot Dog vendor and Cat Tails, other participants were R.A.C.E., Pawsability, Joy Makers and a few other groups.

Susan Mays made 3 baskets to be raffled off at the end of the event: a "Cat Pleasures" basket, a "Wine & Cheese" basket, and a "Sun & Fun" child's beach basket.

But the real "stars" of the event were Diego and Gilad (aka Hoover). Besides all the new human scent that they carried back to Cat Tails and Gilad's foster home, they also will be busy sharing their "dog tales" with their roommates for days to come. No blood was shed, no claw marks on noses, nor hair flying (I'm referring to the dogs that were brave enough to get close to Diego & Gilad) as our two "boys" took all in stride. Just good old fashioned animal bonding.

The volunteers helping Susan were Kathy Fell, Betty Wasser, and Jack Mays. Everyone had fun, met new people, gave out literature on Cat Tails, and at least one person will be coming by Cat Tails to look at an older cat for her Mother. We also had help with setting up and breaking down from volunteers from other groups and we greatly appreciated the "extra hands" in getting these chores done.

A new way to display our shirts Betty, Jack and Susan trying to get the people to the Cat Tails tent. Ideal location for Diego and Galad Jack, Diego and Betty
Susan, Galad and Jack . . .

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Copyright 2011 - Cat Tails, Inc. - All rights reserved

Last revised 6-13-2011